Current Specials

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Classes & Events

Healthy Made Simple Essential Oils Workshop
Tuesday, February 11th
Online Class
Join us from the comfort of your own home to learn how health and wellness can be simple and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. We will cover topics of proper nutrition, digestion, exercising with ease, supporting your metabolism, how to properly manage stress and get good quality sleep each night, and how to properly support your immune system to stay healthy all season. Click the link below to register with the google form and be sure to be on the call live for your chance to win one of our giveaways!

Holistic Happy Hour Make & Take Essential Oils Workshop
Tuesday, February 18th
Racine Store
Come and experience natural solutions for nutrition, proper nutrition, how to support your body during exercise and reset your metabolism, how to manage stress and get good quality sleep at night, and overall ways to improve your health routine. You will be able to try and experience all of our top products plus make a rollerball to take home and enjoy! Bonus bath salt station where you can mix epsom salts with your favorite essential oil blend. Wine and door prizes! Workshop is $10 plus tax.

Metabolic Makeover Make & Take Essential Oils Workshop
Tuesday, March 4th
Racine Store
Join us for a hands-on experience with essential oils! Discover how to naturally feel more energized, focused and in tune with your surroundings and family. We will discuss ways to implement simple steps into your daily routine as well as have you experience beneficial essential oils during the class. Enjoy discussions on better sleep, clarity and concentration, emotional support, and gut health. All-inclusive class is $10 plus tax and includes hands on education, wine, a chance to win door prizes, and an exclusive rollerball that you get to make during class! Pre-register in stores or online.

Metabolic Makeover – Feeling Fabulous After 40!
Tuesday, March 11th
Online Class
Are you looking for new ways to improve your metabolism? Do you suffer from brain fog, sleepless nights, stressful days, sagging skin, aching muscles and joints, or having trouble losing those stubborn pounds? We have the perfect natural solution for you! Join our online class and learn all about our new MetaPWR system that’s designed to take hold of your metabolism and give your body a complete reset so that you can start living again! Together, we will work on incorporating natural systems into your daily routine that will help support your energy levels, cognitive ability, restorative sleep, reduce inflammation, crush those sugar cravings and poor food choices, and have you feeling your absolute best in no time! Click below to register and receive the zoom link and your free ebook “100 Ways to Use Essential Oils”. Be sure to tune in live for our class for your chance at our giveaways!